Richard II - William Shakespeare

King Richard the Second is a history play by William Shakespeare believed to have been written in approximately 1595.
Playwright: William Shakespeare
 Thomas de Mowbray, 1st Duke of Norfolk, Edmund of Langley, 1st Duke of York, Isabella of Valois, Henry Percy, 2nd Earl of Northumberland, Richard II of England, Isabella of Castile, Duchess of York, Henry Percy, 1st Earl of Northumberland, John of Gaunt


Act 1, Scene 1: London. KING RICHARD II's palace.

Act 1, Scene 2: The DUKE OF LANCASTER'S palace.

Act 1, Scene 3: The lists at Coventry.

Act 1, Scene 4: The court.

Act 2, Scene 1: Ely House.

Act 2, Scene 2: The palace.

Act 2, Scene 3: Wilds in Gloucestershire.

Act 2, Scene 4: A camp in Wales.

Act 3, Scene 1: Bristol. Before the castle.

Act 3, Scene 2: The coast of Wales. A castle in view.

Act 3, Scene 3: Wales. Before Flint castle.

Act 3, Scene 4: LANGLEY. The DUKE OF YORK's garden.

Act 4, Scene 1: Westminster Hall.

Act 5, Scene 1: London. A street leading to the Tower.

Act 5, Scene 2: The DUKE OF YORK's palace.

Act 5, Scene 3: A royal palace.

Act 5, Scene 4: The same.

Act 5, Scene 5: Pomfret castle.

Act 5, Scene 6: Windsor castle.


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