King John - William Shakespeare

"King John" a history play by William Shakespeare, dramatises the reign of John, King of England, son of Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine and father of Henry III of England.
Published: 1623
Playwright: William Shakespeare
 Louis VIII of France, Pandulf Masca, John of England, Pandulph, Henry III of England, Hubert de Burgh, 1st Earl of Kent, Philip II of France

Act 1, Scene 1: KING JOHN'S palace.

Act 2, Scene 1: France. Before Angiers.

Act 3, Scene 1: The French King's pavilion.
Act 3, Scene 2: The same. Plains near Angiers.
Act 3, Scene 3: The same.
Act 3, Scene 4: The same. KING PHILIP'S tent.

Act 4, Scene 1: A room in a castle.
Act 4, Scene 2: KING JOHN'S palace.
Act 4, Scene 3: Before the castle.

Act 5, Scene 1: KING JOHN'S palace.
Act 5, Scene 2: LEWIS's camp at St. Edmundsbury.
Act 5, Scene 3: The field of battle.
Act 5, Scene 4: Another part of the field.
Act 5, Scene 5: The French camp.
Act 5, Scene 6: An open place in the neighbourhood of Swinstead Abbey.
Act 5, Scene 7: The orchard in Swinstead Abbey.


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