SCENE I. A house in Rome. ANTONY, OCTAVIUS, and LEPIDUS, seated at a table ANTONY These many, then, shall die; their names ar...
SCENE VIII. A field of battle. Alarum as in battle. Enter, from opposite sides, MARCIUS and AUFIDIUS MARCIUS I'll fight with no...
SCENE I. Before Alexandria. OCTAVIUS CAESAR's camp. Enter OCTAVIUS CAESAR, AGRIPPA, and MECAENAS, with his Army; OCTAVIUS CAESAR re...
SCENE II. Athens. A room in Timon's house. Enter FLAVIUS, with two or three Servants First Servant Hear you, master steward, wh...
SCENE IV. The same. A tent. Enter, with drum and colours, CORDELIA, Doctor, and Soldiers CORDELIA Alack, 'tis he: why, he was m...
SCENE I. A desert place. Thunder and lightning. Enter three Witches First Witch When shall we three meet again In thunder, ligh...
SCENE III. A park near the palace. Enter three Murderers First Murderer But who did bid thee join with us? Third Murderer Macbe...
SCENE III. A street. Enter CINNA the poet CINNA THE POET I dreamt to-night that I did feast with Caesar, And things unlucky cha...
SCENE II. Another street. Enter OTHELLO, IAGO, and Attendants with torches IAGO Though in the trade of war I have slain men, Ye...
SCENE III. Alexandria. CLEOPATRA's palace. Enter CLEOPATRA, CHARMIAN, IRAS, and ALEXAS CLEOPATRA Where is the fellow? ALEXAS ...