Act 4, Scene 5: London. The Tower

SCENE V. London. The Tower.

    Enter SCALES upon the Tower, walking. Then enter two or three Citizens below


    How now! is Jack Cade slain?

First Citizen

    No, my lord, nor likely to be slain; for they have
    won the bridge, killing all those that withstand
    them: the lord mayor craves aid of your honour from
    the Tower, to defend the city from the rebels.


    Such aid as I can spare you shall command;
    But I am troubled here with them myself;
    The rebels have assay'd to win the Tower.
    But get you to Smithfield, and gather head,
    And thither I will send you Matthew Goffe;
    Fight for your king, your country and your lives;
    And so, farewell, for I must hence again.



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